Abbott Elementary is ABC’s newest hit comedy, a mockumentary style sitcom similar to The Office and Scrubs. Starring Quinta Brunson, Sheryl Lee Ralph, and Tyler James Williams amongst the ensemble cast. The sitcom follows these characters as they navigate teaching at one of Philadelphia’s poorest schools, making the best of a tough situation.
I’ll admit I was a little late to the Abbott Elementary party. I think I started watching on episode 3, I heard people mentioning how good it was. My wife finally nudged me enough to watch it and the word of mouth that it was funny was absolutely correct. The show has potential to be a must watch for years to come, and maybe a classic one day.
One of the highlights of the show to me, is Principal Coleman played by Janelle James. To be perfectly honest Principal Coleman ain’t shit and doesn’t really care about much besides herself. It’s hilarious how oblivious she is to real issues going on at the school while she set's out to make herself look good all the time. I can’t forget school custodian Mr. Johnson (William Stanford Davis) he’s at the point in his career where he just doesn’t care and will say whatever comes to mind. Lisa Ann Walter and Chris Perfetti play their roles to perfection as well. Perfetti, as Mr. Hill the socially woke white teacher in everything he touches is hilarious as well.
If you haven’t tuned into Abbott Elementary, don’t miss the boat and check it out. It come’s on Tuesdays at 9:00 pm and you won’t be disappointed.
About The Author
B is a 1500 original since 2017. He loves movies, pro wrestling, and traveling. His dream is to one day be able to travel around the world at his leisure. He also is a pro wrestling blogger for brand at He also has a geek branded blog at Follow him on IG @storybyb where you may find some of the most random questions and polls known to man.